iō Literary Journal aims to embrace all forms of creative writing and artistic expression, even those works that expand the genre beyond the conventional interpretations. In doing this, we hope to showcase the spectrum of experience of all people, especially those in underrepresented groups whose voices are silenced in mainstream culture. 

Submission Guidelines

  • All submissions should be doc or docx files, double spaced, 12pt, and in either Times New Roman, Arial, Verdana, or Georgia font. Experimental pieces can be flexible regarding font and size. 
  • All submissions must include a short 3rd person bio.
  • Simultaneous submissions are accepted. Indicate this in the bio section. All other submissions MUST be formally withdrawn if you decide to publish with us.
  • We do not accept previously published work.
  • Authors may submit to any and all categories at once, but cannot submit more than allowed for any one category.
  • Page or word count limit applies to a single piece.
  • Works in other languages are welcomed. Author MUST provide an English translation.

Author's Rights

iō Literary Journal acquires First Serial Rights for accepted work(s) for print and online publications. Upon acceptance(s) of publication, iō Literary Journal retains the right to be the sole publisher of the work(s) for the first year from the initial date of publication. Thereafter, contributors may republish their work(s), with iō Literary Journal credited as the initial publisher. 

The contributor confirms that the work(s) submitted for print and online is/are their own, the contributor owns the copyright(s), the work(s) are not in violation or infringement of any existing copyright(s) or license(s), and the work(s) submitted have not been previously published elsewhere.

iō Literary Journal pays contributors for their work(s) published in print. iō Literary Journal does not currently charge nor pay for publications exhibited on their website. Up-to-date pay rates will be available on Submittable. 

View our full Author's Rights. Author’s rights are subject to change at any time. Amended author’s rights shall be made effective once posted on our website.

Editing Service

Interested in our editing services? Check out what we offer and our terms and conditions.

General Terms and Conditions

By submitting to iō Literary Journal, you agree to our terms and conditions. View our full terms and conditions.

This opportunity will close after 50 submissions have been received.$5.00

Whether you're in the early days of drafting, ready to submit your work for publication, or are looking to advance your professional career in writing, we strive to guide you toward your vision and prioritize your voice as a writer.

Creative Editing

Accepting creative prose of up to 7,500 words. Each editing package includes a virtual one-on-one consultation to ensure our feedback aligns with your vision and goals.

  • Developmental editing / .03¢ per word: A big-picture perspective on content, overall organization, and genre conventions to advance your piece to its next draft. Includes a detailed editorial letter, line edits (if applicable), and virtual one-on-one consultation.
  • Copyediting / .02¢ per word: Feedback on clarity, accuracy, and consistency to develop a fully polished manuscript. Includes detailed written feedback on your draft and a virtual one-on-one consultation.
  • Comprehensive editing / .04¢ per word: A combination of developmental and copy-editing to provide individualized support throughout your revision process. Includes a detailed editorial letter, line edits (if applicable), written feedback on your draft, and two virtual one-on-one consultations.

Deposit & Minimum Price

  • A $5 non-refundable deposit is due at the time of submission
  • 7,500 word limit with a $30 minimum

Learn more about our creative editing packages.

Academic & Career Opportunities Editing

Accepting higher education admission materials and/or application materials for other career-related opportunities. Each package includes a virtual one-on-one consultation to learn more about your academic and career goals to best serve you.

Career Opportunities/Internship Materials

  • Cover letters / $70
  • Curriculum vitae (CV) / $60
  • Resumes / $50

Admission Materials

  • Long essays / $30 per page, 5 pages max.: Includes statements of purpose or personal statements for graduate programs or other academic programs.
  • Short essays / $20 per page, 5 pages max.: Includes short answers on admissions applications, scholarship essays, diversity statements, research proposals, and teaching philosophy statements.

Comprehensive Package

  • Comprehensive package / $200: Create your own set of materials for us to edit. This may include a long essay, a cover letter, a CV or resume, one option from the short essay category under "Admission Materials," and a statement of purpose or personal statement.


  • A $5 non-refundable deposit is due at the time of submission

Learn more about our academic and career opportunities editing packages.


  1. Submit your creative prose or admission and/or application materials and pay the $5 deposit using this form. NOTE: If submitting materials for Academic & Career Opportunities Editing, please also submit supplemental information relevant to your application, including the job/internship description, graduate program website, or any other resources that would be helpful for us to tailor your application.
  2. An editing contract and PayPal invoice will be sent to you using the email you include on this form. Review pricing above and additional details for each service. Please return your signed contract and paid invoice within 72 hours upon delivery.*
  3. Turnaround time varies for each editing project and will be outlined in your editing contract; our average timeline is within 15-30 business days following the initial consultation (if applicable) OR upon receipt of your contract and paid invoice.

*Please note that editing projects commence upon receipt of BOTH a signed contract and paid invoice. If we do not receive both within 72 hours upon their delivery to you, your editing project will be declined without refund of the $5 deposit. If you need additional time to complete your contract and invoice, please contact us.

iō Literary Journal